Soundpower's Greatest Hits - Bill Moffit - Drums


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Model: 01401817

UPC: 073999018172

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Contents: Fanfare & Star Spangled Banner; America The Beautiful; Battle Hymn Of The Republic; March America; Stars And Stripes Trio; Another Op'nin', Another Show; Beer Barrel Polka; Cute; Everything's Comin' Up Roses; The Horse; Mississippi Mud; That's Entertainment; Witchcraft; Woodchopper's Ball; Macarena; Sabre Dance; Basin Street Blues; Five Foot Two; Get It On; Joshuas; Saints In Concert; Can Can; One; Grandioso; Bugler's Dream; El Cumbanchero; Moonlight Serande; Toot, Toot, Tootsie!' Ear Poppin'; Fanfares; Musical Cheers.


Publisher: Hal Leonard
Publication Date: 04/1981
Pages: 32
Length: 5.25 in.
Width: 6.75 in.
Series: Sound Power (Marching Band)
Format: Drums