This is the first of three volumes of pipe tunes that have been standardized for use throughout the Scots Guards.
List | $53.00 |
This is the second of three volumes of pipe tunes that have been standardized for use throughout the Scots Guards.
List | $53.00 |
A breathtaking and unusual collection of traditional Irish tunes that have been arranged for the bagpipe by Dave Rickard. Fifty pieces are included, some are rare and others had never been used before in bagpipe bands, but all are familiar tunes or melodies which will delight and enthrall performers and audiences alike. Pieces featured include: O Sullivan's March • An Mhaighdean Mhara • The Gravel Walk • The Lark in the Morning • and more.
List | $9.95 |
A superb collection of Highland marches, reels, jigs and strathspeys.
List | $19.95 |
A superb collection of almost 50 Highland reels, strathspeys, jigs and marches for all occasions.
List | $17.95 |
Despite the amalgamation of Regiments and the many changes that have occurred in the British Royal Army since 1926, when this collection was first published, piping has remained an essential tradition of a Highland Regiment. The reprint of this collection emphasizes the piping tradition and as the forerunner of books of regimental pipe music, it holds a special place in the bibliography of piping.
List | $41.95 |
A large collection of melodies, many previously unpublished. Foreword by Prince Charles.
List | $69.95 |
A collection for bagpipes composed by G.M. McIntyre and compiled by Lt. Col. Gayre of Gayre and Nigg and Minard Castle.
List | $25.95 |